Besuch aus Kirgisistan am SLF: Vergangene Woche machten kirgisische Vertreter/innen des Wintertourismussektors Halt in Davos, um das SLF sowie Möglichkeiten der Zusammenarbeit zwischen öffentlichen und privaten Institutionen kennenzulernen. Vielen Dank für den Besuch! Helvetas Kyrgyzstan 📷️ J. Bettzieche #SLF #SLFDavos #CERC #Kirgisistan #Kyrgyzstan #Winter #Tourismus
Eidg. Forschungsanstalt WSL
Research Services
Research for people and the environment in a changing world
About us
The Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL provides science-based solutions for forests, landscapes, biodiversity, natural hazards, and snow and ice in a changing world. As a federal research institute and part of the ETH Domain, WSL commits itself to excellence in research and implementation that benefits nature and society. As the leading Swiss research institute for terrestrial environmental systems, WSL performs outstanding research at the national and inter- national levels that benefits the environment and society in Switzerland and beyond. We address global challenges driven by land use change, climate change, biodiversity loss, altered bio- geochemical cycles, and urbanisation, as well as their interactions. WSL is thus in a position to develop science-based solutions for sustainable approaches that serve both the environment and society. We accomplish this together with partners from research, practice and the public, to effectively support environmental decision-making and governance. To train the next generations of decision-makers, we engage in teaching and continuing education in the field of terrestrial environmental science. Through its activities and engagement with society, WSL bridges the science-policy gap and contributes to a future rooted in sustainability.
- Website
External link for Eidg. Forschungsanstalt WSL
- Industry
- Research Services
- Company size
- 501-1,000 employees
- Headquarters
- Birmensdorf
- Type
- Educational
- Specialties
- Umweltforschung, Biodiversität, Landschaftsentwicklung, Management von Naturgefahren, Nachhaltige Ressourcennutzung, Schnee, Lawinen, and Klimawandel
Employees at Eidg. Forschungsanstalt WSL
White Risk: die SLF-App in neuem Gewand jetzt verfügbar! 👉️ Überarbeitete Oberfläche: Die White Risk App jetzt im neuen Design 👉️ Alles noch zugänglicher: einfachere Bedienung, klarere Abläufe, mehr Details 👉️ E-Learning neu auch in der App: Sieben Lektionen mit Übungen stehen jetzt in der App zu Verfügung Mehr dazu im Newsbeitrag: #SLF #SLFDavos #ski #skitouring #snowboarding #mountains #winter #knowbeforeyougo #whiterisk
Wenig Schnee in tiefen Lagen, viel in der Höhe, überdurchschnittliche Unfallzahlen – der Winterbericht 2023/24 enthält ausführliche Details über diesen Gleitschneewinter: 📷️ P. Fardel #SLF #SLFDavos #Schnee #Lawinen #Winterbericht
Schneefreie Hänge auf 1900 m.ü.M.: Die Folgen für Pflanzen, warum Spätfrost zum Risiko wird und was das für die Heidelbeerernte (und den Heidelbeerkuchen!) bedeutet, erklärt SLF-Biologe Christian Rixen im Interview: 📷️ Veronika Stöckli #SLF #SLFDavos #CERC #Heidelbeere #Schnee #Vegetation #Pflanze
🍇 The flavescence dorée, a dreaded grapevine disease among winegrowers, is spreading in Switzerland. A joint study by the federal research institute WSL and Agroscope shows that gone-wild grapevines and related vector insects contribute to the spread of the disease in the forest. More info: #forest #grapevine #disease Agroscope 📷 Agroscope
Vergangene Woche fand in Col du Lautaret (Frankreich) die 9. Ausgabe der EGU Snow Science Winter School statt. Natürlich stand auch das Graben von Schneeprofilen auf dem Programm, um mit modernen Techniken zum Beispiel die Mikrostruktur des Schnees zu charakterisieren. 📷️ B. Walter #SLF #SLFDavos #SnowScienceWinterSchool #Schnee #Winter
We are pleased to announce the third edition of the summer school "Blue-Green Biodiversity. Research and Practice and the Interface of Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems”, in August 2025 in Davos, Switzerland. The summer school is a collaboration between WSL and Eawag Freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems are closely interconnected, but they are often studied in isolation from each other. In the context of global change, it is urgent to understand how blue (water) and green (land) ecosystems are similar or different in terms of biodiversity patterns, ecological and evolutionary processes, and their responses to global drivers. Evidence-based understanding of blue-green biodiversity is necessary to inform policies and action to halt and reverse nature loss that threatens human well-being. In response to this challenge, WSL and Eawag are collaborating to offer the "Summer School: Blue-Green Biodiversity – Research and Practice at the Interface of Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems" for the third time. Organized by the WSL Biodiversity Center, the summer school in Davos, Switzerland, aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the linkages between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, as well as the interdependencies between ecological and social systems. While focusing on Swiss habitats, the summer school will highlight how an integrated approach —incorporating the ecological, evolutionary, and social dimensions of blue and green ecosystems—benefits the conservation, maintenance, and restoration of biodiversity. #SummerSchool #biodiversity #Biodiversität #ecosystems #Ökosysteme #Umweltforschung #Research Nadia Castro Izaguirre
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Schnee ernten am SLF: Dank unserer Schneemaschine können wir unabhängig von der Jahreszeit und Wetter Experimente mit naturidentischem Schnee durchführen – mit der immer gleichen Qualität. Mehr zur Schneemaschine gibt es auf der SLF-Website: #SLF #SLFDavos #Schnee #Schneemaschine #Forschung
SLF-Wissenschaftler Sergi González-Herrero hat seine Antarktis-Expedition beendet. In seinem letzten Blogbeitrag aus der Antarktis berichtet er über die letzten Installationen für seine Forschung und über seinen Abschied von einem großartigen Arbeitsplatz. Lesen Sie jetzt den Blogbeitrag: #SLF #SLFDavos #Schnee #Wind #Antarktis #Forschung 📷 Sergi Gonzàlez-Herrero